Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Fall of the American Emprie

America How Are You?

Just as Jesus Christ said you can't serve two masters, America you must now decide what your morals and values will be in this time of empire, where our soldiers are being used like Nazi soldiers had once been used and hung out to dry. The reason I say this beyond my belief that we are in the tribulation period and nearing the great and terrible day when the Lord comes to judge the world. The synagogue of Satan, the jesuit New World Order movement perpetrated by the 10 Kings who give their power to the beast, is entering their final push to bring America to her knees. Because we do not have a vigilant citizenry, they may succeed in destroying this great nation that had once stood so proudly to the world as a beacon of freedom, a symbol of liberty to all who lived under the tyrannical control of despots much like our President today.

We are now increasingly becoming more and more isolated in world opinion. While American citizens languish in ignorance watching the idoiot sitcoms which have come to dominate television viewing here in the States; those who are beginning to question the direction and role our nation is playing in foreign policy are still denied the basic truth of a free press to even base their opinions on. Many are now seeking alternative media to assist them in finding out 'truth.' The truth as many are beginning to find out is that America is being used as a tool to perpetrate great evil on innocent civilians all over the world through insane abuses which include rape, murder, sodomy, and torture. The Mohammed cartoons as well as certain 'leaked' stories are specifically being used as psy-ops to encourage Muslim rage against the 'Christian' world.

What many do not know and will never realize is that both sides of this new 'crusade' are carefully controlled by the same side. Those who profit from war, have long ago learned the art of creating fear in the public to fuel their agendas to strip civil liberties from the public, while fostering the rage necessary to encourage recruits to join both sides for further battle which increases their profit and power base. Those who study history will learn that this has been the truth for many hundreds if not thousands of years. (See Rule By Secrecy)

I will make this prediction based on my investigation of the New World Order and their agenda to destrooy this country. When we attack Iran and Syria, America will be attacked on our own soil by Chinese troops on the West Coast and by Russian troops on the East Coast. We will also be attacked by Mexican troops all along our southern borders. Once foreign troops are present in our country a mass round-up will happen just as it did in Nazi Europe. When Germany invaded Poland, Polish prisoners were dressed up as Polish troops and killed in Germany as a pretext for the invasion of Poland. Once the Germans had invaded Poland, they began to cull the Jewish populations. What is not widely known is that the concentration camps had already been built and sat empty awaiting the German invasions. The camps were already built and in place in other countries.

What does this have to do with America? Those bases which suffered shutdown through the Base Realignment and Closure Program (should be called the weaken America and destroy her defenses plan) have been turned into empty internment camps, staffed by United Nations 'Peacekeeping' troops, awaiting a population? Do your research America, your lives depend on it. It's the 11th hour and most of you I'm sad to say, may be doomed to suffer.


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