There are many things which I must attempt to make the world aware of as we are about to enter a period of time which I believe threatens the current world order. I will go through progressive steps to slowly expose the chilling truths I have uncovered as part of my own discovery of a global network of secret societies tied to certain royal bloodlines which are pushing a policve state control grid to quickly bring in a one world government ruledd by the United Nations. In order for them to succeed they must bring America to her knees as no nation can be powerful enough to not need the support of the United Nations.
Currently the Globalist elite are busy making the world hate Americans so they can push the world into another global thermonuclear war. All of these things have been predicted by the Bible and wherever possible I will use scripture to enlighten you further about the nature of things I talk about. It is important that you learn about the Report From iron Mountain which became the first leaked memos on the planned global depopulation agenda. In the report ittalks about using vaccines, food, and water as a means to achieve depopulation. The global elite want to rid the world of 85% of its current population so that when the one world government police state is firmly entrenched around the populace, population levels will be easily manageable and a cinch to cull.
Currently the Globalist elite are busy making the world hate Americans so they can push the world into another global thermonuclear war. All of these things have been predicted by the Bible and wherever possible I will use scripture to enlighten you further about the nature of things I talk about. It is important that you learn about the Report From iron Mountain which became the first leaked memos on the planned global depopulation agenda. In the report ittalks about using vaccines, food, and water as a means to achieve depopulation. The global elite want to rid the world of 85% of its current population so that when the one world government police state is firmly entrenched around the populace, population levels will be easily manageable and a cinch to cull.